Minnesota JCC
Early Childhood

The Calvin & Beverly Calmenson
Inclusion Department

The JCC is eager to accept children with special needs to our Early Childhood Center. Our fulltime Inclusion staff will assist in ensuring that all children who attend the ECC can develop to their fullest potential and will assess is we are equipped to meet the child’s Special needs.



Parents/caregivers have the responsibility to inform the center when their child has any special medical conditions, needs, or allergies so that we can provide appropriate care and support.

If your child has a special need and is (one or more of the following):

  • Eligible for care management through the state and has an Individual Service Plan (ISP),
  • Receiving services through the local school district and has an Individual Education Plan (IEP),
  • Determined by a licensed physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or consulting psychologist to have a condition related to physical, social, or emotional development, you will be asked to share the ISP and/or IEP with us. In addition, state licensing regulations require us to develop an Individual Child Care Plan (ICCP) with you that will assist us to meet your child’s needs.

This plan must be signed by you and your child’s source of licensed health care as listed above and reviewed annually to assure that necessary modifications are made to the care plan.

If you feel like your child needs additional services, please let us know and we are happy to put you in contact with your local school district who would complete the assessment.

For more information, please contact inclusion@minnesotajcc.org.