Minnesota JCC

The Calvin & Beverly Calmenson
Inclusion Department

Our Inclusion Program for adults with disabilities provides access and support so that they can experience the full breadth of programming with the same opportunities and choices as everyone else. We provide social, recreational, and educational programming based on choice, not ability. We offer a full spectrum of meaningful, inclusive programming and ensure opportunities for personal development.

For more information, please contact inclusion@minnesotajcc.org.


Adapted classes and programs such as art, theatre, movie nights, friendship/social skill classes and volunteer opportunities.

Vocational Programming

  • eQuaulity
  • Choice

Health and Wellness

  • Adapted group classes such as Drum’s Alive, Yoga, Zumba, etc.
  • Bi-Cities Wellness Training: one-to-one personal and group training tailored to the unique needs of adults with developmental disabilities in the inclusive setting of the JCC’s fitness center.
    • For more resources visit “PARTNERS & RESOURCES