Earn Up To $5000 In Scholarship For School!

Since 2004, the MARvelous Education Fund, established by Dan & Amy Farsht and Steve & Stephanie Farsht, has been providing $5000 scholarships to JCC members and staff who are pursuing higher education. This fund was established to honor their grandmother, Marion Farsht, and great aunts, Anita Marx and Rose Shapiro. Preference is given based on JCC involvement, academic achievement, and financial need.

The application for the 2025-2026 academic year closed on February 28, 2025.


Congratulations to last year’s recipients!


Past Scholarship Recipients

Samantha Agranoff, 2015
Nardos Alo, 2012
Sam Altshuler, 2017
Rachel Bloom, 2018
Stuart Bloom, 2007 & 2008
Deborah Chapdelaine, 2009
Ruth Cohen, 2016
Caroline Davidson, 2011 & 2012
Josh Dorn, 2009
Misha Evertz, 2010 & 2011
Hanna Feleke, 2013
McDermot Franklin, 2023
Randee Glaser, 2008
Joey Goldman, 2008
Jessica Grodin, 2006
Maya Halpern, 2021
Emma Hartigan, 2014


Past Scholarship Recipients

Barb Jacobs, 2008
Joe Kase, 2019
Channie Kasowitz, 2013
Natalie Larkin, 2022
Rachel Lowenthal, 2020
Sarah Marks, 2004
Gili Ostfield, 2010
Katie Otte, 2013
Yirga Reminick, 2023
Allison Rutman, 2011
Sam Schraber, 2009
Gilad Segal, 2013
Alena Simon, 2009 & 2010
Bayley Taple, 2012
Katherine Tylevich, 2004
Sidney Usem, 2011 & 2012
Alexander Watchman, 2006
Marissa Yetter, 2013

Where Are They Now?

Sidney Usem

Since winning the MARVelous Scholarship in 2011 and 2012, Sidney Usem has continued to call the Twin Cities home. After graduating high school, Usem spent a year in Israel participating in the Nativ college leadership program, followed by studies at the University of Minnesota. After graduating, Sidney spent two years at Herzl Camp before stepping into his current role as the operations manager for the Yeshiva of Minneapolis. Now married with two children, he aims to continue growing in his career while keeping family his top priority.


To learn more about the MARvelous Scholarship, please contact Sara Greenberg, Annual Campaigns Manager
sarag@minnesotajcc.org | 651.255.4737