Community Safety Day Session
Details & Bios


Campus Antisemitism Training 

This session will consist of the following: helping students identify, discuss, and process antisemitism they have already witnessed/experienced, review recent trends in antisemitism/anti-Zionism as well as antisemitism within DEI spaces to help them understand what they are hearing and witnessing to create meaningful dialogue, and empower them to utilize ADL and university resources to respond to antisemitism on campus. This session is presented by the ADL.

Session Time: 1:30 PM


Community Security Principles

Learn about what you can do help to increase the safety and security of your community. This course blends national Homeland security trainings together and will introduce the national campaign “See Something, Say Something” which is designed to raise public awareness of the signs of terrorism and terrorism related crime, how to report suspicious activity to state and local law enforcement. Learn the basics of the OHNO approach that helps the community observe and evaluate suspicious behaviors and empowers them to mitigate the potential risk and obtain help when necessary. Here you will also learn about potential stressors, changes in baseline behaviors, observable behavioral indicators, observable physical behaviors, and potential warning signs of an escalating person.

Presenter Bio: Mike Christianson serves as a Protective Security Advisor (PSA) with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with duty in Minnesota. In this capacity, Christianson is responsible for representing CISA within the State of Minnesota serving as a liaison to the private sector as well as with federal, tribal, state, and local mission partners. As CISA’s on-site critical infrastructure specialist, Christianson provides assistance and support as appropriate to DHS mission partners for all-hazards prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery efforts as well as during designated security events in order to enhance infrastructure security and resilience. In this capacity Christianson has worked closely with the State of Minnesota over the past seven years to further the mission of protecting our Nation’s and Minnesota’s critical infrastructure.

Prior to his PSA duties, Mike retired after thirty years in the Army and Minnesota Army National Guard. After retirement, he served as a Critical Infrastructure Planner for the City of Saint Paul and later, a School Safety Specialist for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Mike was also a teacher in the 1990s. Christianson has spent over forty years in public service.
Mike is a certified Minnesota Emergency Manager, holds a B.S. in Biology and has a teaching degree in the Life Sciences.

Session Time: 1:30 PM, 3:30 PM


Intro to CPR

Red Cross CPR Training saves lives! CPR classes can help you provide assistance when someone is faced with a cardiac or breathing emergency. In this session you’ll learn how/where you can get certified, see demonstrations, and get a chance to practice skills like chest compressions. Join the millions who train every year and learn the skills that can save a life. This is NOT a certification course.

Session Time: 1:30 PM, 2:30 PM, 3:30 PM


Fraud Prevention

Learn about fraud and identity theft.  What information is stolen, ways people can get your information, common scams, and what to do if you are a victim.

Presenter Bio: Patty has been with SPPD since 2017 and worked in crime prevention for over 30 years.  She has a BS in Sociology from Metro State University.  She is Humphrey Institute Public Policy fellow.  She won the 2018 Excellence in Support Award from the Mn Association of Women Police, the 2019 Crime Prevention Practitioner of the Year from the MN Crime Prevention Association, and the recipient of 3 Chief’s Award.

Session Time: 2:30 PM


Grounding to Soaring: A Toolkit for Tough Times!

As the world around us feels more and more challenging, sometimes making it through the day can feel especially hard. Ya’ just want a break and chance to regroup! Come learn several easy and powerful ways to help cope when times are hard.

Presenter Bio: Rabbi Lynn Liberman was ordained from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in 1993. She served as a congregational rabbi for over 20 years. Currently, Rabbi Liberman is a Board-Certified Chaplain working as the Community Chaplain for the Jewish Family Service of St Paul and as an on-call chaplain for Regions Hospital, Gillette Children’s Hospital and MHealth Fairview Hospitals in addition to working as a casual chaplain for Our Lady of Peace Hospice. Rabbi Lynn Liberman volunteers as a Police and Fire Chaplain for the Mendota Heights/West St. Paul Police and Fire Departments and for the Minnesota State Patrol. She is an ARC Spiritual Care Disaster Responder, is on the Metro CISM Team, the Children’s Hospital Ethics Committee and is on the Executive Board of Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains. Lynn is a certified Advanced Care Planner with Honoring Choices.

Session Time: 2:30 PM


How to Talk About Jewish Identity and Antisemitism

Since October 7 the JCRC has given dozens of presentations on Jewish identity and antisemitism for both Jewish and non-Jewish audiences. In this session you will learn best practices for engaging in this conversation. We will give practical advice and suggestions, based on our experience, about how to talk about Judaism and antisemitism in this moment.

Session Time: 1:30 PM, 2:30 PM


Krav Maga

Krav Maga is a simple intuitive self-defense system. It’s easy to learn, easy to retain and designed to end a physical conflict as quickly as possible. This makes it a great self-defense system for a variety of sectors: civilians, which includes a women only program as well as children, and is adaptable for people with disabilities, executive protection, military and law enforcement. The training is designed to bring a person to a competent level as quickly as possible and uses drills and games to emphasize situational awareness and prevention skills and to defend and fight as a last resort. All of this and the training is fun.

Presenter Bio: Gail Boxrud and Dante Pastrano own and operate Krav Maga Minneapolis LLC. They are both certified to teach civilians, law enforcement, VIP protection, women and children under the International Krav Maga Federation, which is based in Israel. They offer on-going classes at their training center in Minneapolis, as well as special seminars and programs for the public, businesses and organizations. Gail Boxrud is director of North America for the International Krav Maga Federation as well as director for the state of Minnesota. Her ranking in the IKMF is Expert 2. Dante Pastrano earned his teaching credentials in August 2008. His rank in the IKMF is Expert 2.

Session Time: 1:30 PM, 2:30 PM, 3:30 PM


Personal Safety

Learn how to be smart about your personal safety at your home, work, in the community and in your car.

Presenter Bio: Patty has been with SPPD since 2017 and worked in crime prevention for over 30 years.  She has a BS in Sociology from Metro State University.  She is Humphrey Institute Public Policy fellow.  She won the 2018 Excellence in Support Award from the Mn Association of Women Police, the 2019 Crime Prevention Practitioner of the Year from the MN Crime Prevention Association, and the recipient of 3 Chief’s Award.

Session Time: 1:30 PM


Run Hide Fight

You can survive an active shooter situation! This session will describe the three tactics you can use to keep yourself and others safe during an active shooter attack – run, hide, and fight. Learning these principles now will prepare and empower you to put them into practice – and survive – should the unthinkable occur.

Presenter Bio: Jonathan “Yoni” Bundt is Masa Consulting Inc.’s founder and has worked in behavioral science, healthcare, security, emergency management, and public safety for over 35 years, specializing in disaster behavioral health, workplace violence prevention, crisis mitigation, incident response, and recovery. His work in the United States began in 1995. His work in the United States began in 1995; before that, he lived in Israel and served in the Israel National Police Force. He regularly provides consultation and training services to the private sector, hospitals, EMS, police and fire departments, state corrections departments, public health, human services, and public safety. Jonathan has provided incident and post-incident consultations for more than 3,000 local, regional, and national crises, disaster, and violence events. In addition, he has developed numerous programs of prevention and response to active threats to private industry and public safety. Jonathan is a certified emergency manager in MN and a licensed mental health professional, balancing security, and human factors in his work. He is a member of MN-1 DMAT (federal response team), a disaster medical response team. His areas of interest are healthcare and public safety wellness, workplace violence prevention and response, and developing incident response teams. He has worked in the curriculum development of several programs for first responders, social service agencies and the public.

Session Time: 1:30 PM, 2:30 PM, 3:30 PM


Stop the Bleed

Severe bleeding can cause shock or death within five minutes. The number one cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding. By training the community how to act quickly to Stop the Bleed, it will save lives in the wake of an incident. Learn the concepts behind Stop the Bleed and practice with hands on skills.

Session Time: 1:30 PM, 2:30 PM, 3:30 PM


Stop Think Connect

We can all protect ourselves, our friends and our families from online threats. It’s fast and it’s easy. There are simple things we can do today that will help keep us much safer online. Digital crimes are happening every day, but by each of us doing our part – educating ourselves and paying attention – we can stay ahead of the game!

Session Time: 2:30 PM


The New Jew

With the burgeoning of the modern Zionist movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there was a felt need to promote a new kind of Jewish identity. As the leaders of the Zionist movement saw the great need to inspire Jews to make aliyah and join in the hard work of cultivating and building up the land of Israel, they felt the need to express a new idea of what an ideal Jewish life could look like. They envisioned a new muscular Jew, who was tanned doing manual labor out in the field. Most importantly, they envisioned a Jew who would decide his or her own destiny, one who was able to protect themselves and their communities without reliance on anyone else. In the session, you will learn about this envisioned “new Jew” and how you might be able to tap into that image again today as a Jew living in the present world- confronting it’s challenges with determination and confidence.

Presenter Bio: Marcus Rubenstein is one of the rabbis at Temple of Aaron. He was ordained from Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in 2015, focusing in Kabbalah and Chasidut. Out of rabbinic school, he served as the rabbi of a congregation in Middletown NY for six years. Three years ago, R. Marcus moved with his family to Minnesota to serve the Temple of Aaron congregation.  He works as co-rabbis with his wife, R. Rachel Rubenstein and is proud father of five year-old daughter, Hadassah, and a 5 month-old daughter, Shoshana. R. Marcus is also an avid jazz trumpet player and leads his local trad jazz/klezmer band Jewbalaya.

Session Time: 1:30 PM, 3:30 PM


Teen Talk: Having Productive, Safe, Conversations About Israel/Palestine
Post-October 7th



Join Alisha Sawyer, Mount Zion’s Religious School Director for a workshop about talking about Israel/Palestine. Whether you’re part of conversations at school, with your family, with friends, or on social media, this workshop will include tips for navigating these conversations, engaging mindfully online, and grappling with ideas that feel uncertain or confusing. Feel free to bring questions or scenarios with you!

Session Time: 1:30 PM