
giving voice chorus

GIVING VOICE CHORUS is a community choir designed for those with dementia and their care partners. Led by specially trained music professionals, the chorus rehearses weekly at Capp Center in St. Paul. Singers sing familiar and new music with adaptive methods and structured direction. Dementia-capable volunteers are available to assist. Giving Voice rehearsals provide a supportive environment that builds community. Persons with dementia and their care partners can experience joy, love, understanding and meaning through music.

Program Components

  • No singing experience required
  • Music director understands singers’ potential
  • Comfortable rehearsal spaces with excellent acoustics
  • Variety of music, familiar and challenging, adapted as needed
  • Personalized music books and practice CDs
  • Weekly rehearsals and a public performance at the Capp Center St. Paul
  • Dementia-aware volunteers available to assist

Let’s celebrate summer by gathering to sing some of our favorite sing-along songs. Taking a break from rehearsing, we’ll spend time sharing memories and raising our voices in unison. This flexibility is meant to accommodate busy summer schedules so if you miss a week, there’s no pressure. If you’re new to the Giving Voice community or have wanted to give it a try, this is the perfect opportunity to join with no long-term commitment!

Giving Voice Chorus – Summer Session
Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30 at 1 PM
Capp Center St. Paul

Register Now

PLEASE NOTE: Each enrollment requires a partner — both singers will need to complete individual registrations.


Benefits of Choral Singing

Did you know that people with dementia CAN learn new music, CAN make new friends, and CAN experience joy and community?

Health Benefits

  • Singing is aerobic
  • Improves posture
  • Helps to improve sleep
  • Stimulates brain activity and cognitive function

Social Benefits

  • Choral singing is a social activity
  • Improves mood
  • Lowers stress
  • Shared achievement through performances

Benefits of Choral Singing (PDF)

What Is
Giving Voice Chorus?

GIVING VOICE CHORUS, brings together people with dementia and Alzheimer’s and their care partners to sing in choruses that foster joy, well-being, purpose and community understanding.  GIVING VOICE CHORUS transforms lives through music, by building choral music communities worldwide that celebrate the potential of people living with dementia.

Singers of all abilities will create and learn in weekly rehearsals at the Capp Center St. Paul with a specially trained professional choral conductor, assisted by volunteers who have training in dementia. Rehearsals culminate in a public performance that showcases the accomplishments of the singers.

Minnesota JCC is proud to partner of Giving Voice Chorus.