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As your child gets ready for kindergarten, we are excited to offer the perfect summer camp experiences tailored to them, now available at Camp Butwin, Camp Olami, and the Capp Center, St. Paul.

YOMI (MY DAY in Hebrew)
Butwin Yomi and Olami Yomi
Yomi, offered at both Camp Butwin and Camp Olami, offers a safe, nurturing program for our youngest campers entering Kindergarten, to develop skills and transition to camp. Campers will enjoy getting to experience all camp has to offer including swimming, meeting new friends, specialty activities, field trips and more!

Plus, special attention is given to the needs of our youngest campers as they adjust to the camp program. Activities are planned with their current developmental stages in mind and more time is included in their schedule for quiet activities and projects.

PLEASE NOTE: Yomi campers must turn age 5 by September 1, 2024.

For those families seeking a summer camp program at Capp Center St. Paul, the Early Childhood Center will be offering Camp Centerland, featuring camp-like activities and the spirit of summer. Registration will open in February with limited capacity.